All purchases will usually be shipped via USPS priority mail or you can choose standard USPS mail. If shipped priority mail you will receive your item within four business days within the United States. If international you should receive your item within 6 to 10 business days. Buyer is responsible to pay custom fees of their country and is not the responsibility of the seller.

Production time:
All purchases are made to order so expect production time to last between 3 days up to 4 weeks depending on what you purchase. Each item will be labeled what production time will take depending on availability of materials. Please DM seller if your item is needed to be rushed. Rush fees are applicable. Rush fee will typically be $10 and will be billed to your email via PayPal upon request.
Production times may vary depending on materials in stock and or custom requests. If materials are out of stock and need to be ordered by the seller you will be notified on the updated production time. If buyer has any concerns about production time DM seller to get an accurate estimate on production time and shipping.

Returns and exchanges:
All sales are final unless you need to exchange for a different size or decide on a different color/material. Taking your measurements prior to purchase are highly recommended before purchase to ensure a perfect fit.
You may return your item within 14 days. All returned purchases must be shipped within 14 days of receiving item undamaged or appearing worn at sellers own expense. If the item returned appears worn or damaged in anyway, your item will be shipped back to you at your own expense and no refunds or exchanges will be issued.
All purchases that may be lost or damage due to transit are nonrefundable and is not the responsibility of the seller. It is recommended purchasing insurance if you’re concerned for loss or damage due to transit.

After item has been purchased, seller has 48 hours to cancel item for a full refund. All sales are final if purchase exceeds the 48 hours.